Working Families is the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation. The charity helps working parents and carers and their employers find a better balance between responsibilities at home and work. Our Legal Helpline gives parents and carers advice on employment rights such as maternity and paternity leave, rights to time off in an emergency, shared parental leave and parental leave, as well as helping them to negotiate the flexible hours they want. We can give basic advice on the benefits and tax credits that working parents can claim. We also give advice on maternity discrimination and pregnancy discrimination. Our ground breaking research and campaigns seek to change the way we live and work. To that end, we also work with employers to support them in creating workplaces which encourage work-life balance for everyone. By operating in the real world of pragmatic advice and practical solutions, we are making our vision a reality.
World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) is the nation's only major registered charity that is exclusively dedicated to the prevention of cancer by way of a healthy diet and lifestyle. WCRF UK education and science programmes are funded entirely by donations from the general public.
World Land Trust acquires land for conservation in all parts of the world. It works through local partners and targets areas with endangered species. It has projects in Ecuador, Belize, Philippines, Argentina and elsewhere. It maintains a website on tropical forest issues designed to fit the UK national curriculum.
The World Parrot Trust (WPT) is an internationally recognised parrot conservation non-profit, founded in 1989 with an ambitious vision: to help protect wild parrots and to ensure that companion parrots live long, healthy, and happy lives. Parrots comprise one of the most threatened groups of birds on Earth and because of this, the WPT has directed and supported conservation and welfare projects for 80 species of parrot in 43 countries. To accomplish its goals the WPT undertakes a diverse range of strategies. For wild parrots, WPT provides technical and logistical support to in-country partner organizations, reacting to ongoing needs and emergency situations as they are conveyed to us from the frontline. Our partner-focused strategy enables us to act quickly and effectively, providing primary care for birds confiscated from illegal trade and increasing rehabilitation and release capacity - crucial in the fight to protect parrots. Site-specific assessments identify critical needs and employ a diverse range of activities from working to halt illegal trapping and rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing birds confiscated from trappers to habitat protection/restoration, and other hands-on direct conservation-related efforts. About This Cause The World Parrot Trust dedicated to protecting both wild and companion parrots. Determining what is in their best interest is one of our guiding principles. Another is science. Saving endangered species, stopping the wild bird trade, restoring and protecting critical habitat, encouraging community outreach, and advocating for individual parrot welfare cannot happen effectively without it. Working towards a common goal saving the world’s parrots To develop impactful programs we collaborate with a diverse range of individuals, partner NGOs, scientists, governments and local communities. We carry out direct, hands-on actions and provide technical, logistical and funding support to our partners so that they can meet the challenges impacting the conservation and welfare of parrots. All of our conservation and welfare work is made possible because of one of the world's largest international networks of parrot lovers - our dedicated supporters. You make it possible for us to protect the most at-risk parrots, now and into the future. The WPT is committed to helping parrots survive in the wild and flourish in companion care. None of this would be possible without people like you. Join us and become a part of the team. SAVING ENDANGERED SPECIES Comprising four main actions: Protecting & Restoring Habitat Thousands of hectares of forest habitat are lost to logging, wildfires and other human-driven activities each year. The WPT supports habitat protection and restoration with partner NGOs by... 1. Empowering local people to care about and work to conserve their natural resources. 2. Involving landowners in the protection of important parrot habitat. 3. Fostering government support for long-term preservation. 4. Planting and tending native trees and shrubs in deforested areas. In Bolivia, home to the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw, the WPT has helped to establish millions of hectares as Protected Areas with their natural resources to be managed sustainably by local communities. In Bonaire, NGO partner Echo is replanting and protecting tracts of fragile dry forest to benefit local wildlife, including the Yellow-shouldered Amazon. Community Outreach Community involvement must be at the heart of conserving parrots and their ecological systems, as local people also depend on these habitats for their livelihoods and culture. Communities are major participants in the management, decision-making and implementation process, with their efforts leading to the conservation of species, wild spaces, ecological services and associated cultural values. Effective outreach can be fulfilled by… 1. Supporting the distribution of parrot and environment-related learning materials to schools. 2. Educating communities on the illegality of and devastation caused by parrot trapping. 3. Helping local people to build ecotourism, parrot-watching and other related activities. 4. Involving people in the conservation and rescue of at-risk parrots. Efforts to engage local people in parrot conservation are ongoing, with the WPT funding in-country programs in Central and South America. In Honduras, communities around the Copán Archaeological site are intimately involved in protecting the Scarlet Macaw, their national bird and a significant part of their heritage. L Developing Conservation Priorities Through Research Some of the most endangered parrots in the world are also the least known. The WPT is supporting new research to determine the factors impacting their survival in the wild. Current efforts include… 1. Determining threats to wild parrot populations. 2. Gaining an understanding of the ecology of little-known species. 3. Using genetic analysis to inform conservation actions. 4. Assessing habitats' viability and their ability to sustain wild parrots. In a number of countries where parrots are found researchers are studying using nest boxes to see if they can help replace lost nest trees. And in Brazil, scientists are assessing how invasive bees are affecting Lear's Macaws, impacting their ability to breed and preventing their chicks from successfully fledging. Rebuilding Wild Populations In many regions wild parrot populations are rapidly decreasing or disappearing altogether due to habitat loss and trapping for the pet trade. For many species, these trends can be reversed by… 1. Restoring, monitoring and protecting wild nests. 2. Providing supplemental and emergency care for at-risk wild chicks. 3. Supporting the installation of artificial nest boxes where cavity trees have been lost. 4. Encouraging translocation, captive breeding and release efforts. The WPT has partnered with in-country breeding-for-release programs to restore wild populations in Honduras, Brazil , Puerto Rico and Costa Rica, reintroducing parrots to areas where their numbers have been devastated by human activity. Fighting the wildlife trade Globally, capture for the wildlife trade has caused the suffering and loss of hundreds of thousands of parrots. WPT has been highlighting the destructive practice of trapping and gaining worldwide support to end it. The focus has been on encouraging several types of direct action including… 1. Documenting trade routes and understanding commerce chains. 2. Encouraging law enforcement to better detect, seize and manage confiscated parrots. 3. Advocating for trade-ban legislation intended to protect parrots 4. Training front-line workers to care for rescued parrots and chicks 5. Providing veterinary expertise and means to expand rescue facilities when needed. 6. Working with local agencies to return rehabilitated parrots back to freedom in the wild. Heavy trapping continues in many countries where parrots are found. In Indonesia, the WPT maintains a constant presence to assist in the many confiscations that are taking place thanks to greater awareness and training provided to officials and rangers. In Africa, the WPT is collaborating with local and international colleagues to stop the illegal trade in Grey and Timneh Parrots, both IUCN Endangered in the wild. Improving parrot care The WPT is improving wild and companion parrot welfare by offering experienced care and enrichment guidance to birdkeepers and rescue workers, equipping them with the knowledge to meet parrots' physical and behavioural needs. This includes… 1. Building a large media base of nutritional, behaviour and enrichment information. 2. Publishing monthly, quarterly and special interest educational materials. 3. Producing podcasts and webinars aimed at companion bird carers. 4. Providing veterinary expertise, supplies and equipment for organisations fighting trade. Thousands of parrot enthusiasts have access to WPT's expert online and print resources aimed at spreading awareness on companion parrot care, wellness and enrichment. The WPT is also providing guidance and funding to NGOs fighting the wild bird trade in Africa, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Indonesia.