Charity: National Foundation for Retired Service Animals UK

National Foundation for Retired Service Animals UK
Countess Sara Bathurst
(01285) 653135
Use E-mail Link
Bathurst Estate Office, Cirencester Park, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2BT
United Kingdom

The National Foundation for Retired Service Animals is a UK registered charity that supports the owners of retired dogs and horses from the Police; Fire & Rescue; Prison; Border Force; National Crime Agency; and NHS services by offering financial assistance with vet and medical costs. When an animal retires all public funding stops, and the animals become the legal property of either their handler, or a new and loving home. Because of their training and age, meaningful insurance is almost impossible to find and, as the years advance, inevitable vets fees occur and the owner has to pay for these in full. Some veterinary expenses can mount up, and the NFRSA is proud to be there for these extraordinary animals and their families, by providing financial grants to help cover the costs of all procedures and medications. Our motto is ‘Protecting Our Protectors’ - we passionately feel the dogs and horses of our services have kept the public safe in ways we could never possibly imagine, and it is our duty to offer the same peace of mind to their owners in their retired service animal’s golden years. The financial relief we give owners is invaluable, not just from the perspective of helping cover the costs and alleviating financial hardship, but also improving the mental health of the owners, by offering advice, compassion, reassurance, and emotional support when their beloved service partners fall ill. The charity is largely run by volunteers to ensure overhead costs are low. Our service is swift and efficient, and we are proud to note that since May 2022, when we launched, to July 2024 we have awarded over £80,000.


Contact National Foundation for Retired Service Animals UK