Charity: Dementia Forward
Dementia Forward is the leading dementia charity for York and North Yorkshire. We provide support, advice and information to anybody affected by dementia across the county, and have developed a comprehensive range of services; all with people living with dementia at their heart. Dementia Forward is recognised as a vital source of information, advice and support as well as being a strong advocate for people living with dementia. We actively seek out the voices of those affected when designing our services, and adopt a ‘local for local’ approach, using the resource of local community and partnership-working to its full. One of the charity’s aims is to ‘knit’ dementia support into the everyday lives of the local community. We aim to increase awareness and understanding, so that people can continue to live well in their own communities. Our staff team is supported and strengthened by a highly-skilled and motivated board of trustees and committed volunteers, in partnership with the statutory and voluntary sector. Our Vision When a person is concerned about their memory or has been diagnosed with dementia they will continue to live well, along with the people they choose and their local communities. They will feel supported, informed and included. Our Mission To provide accessible and inclusive support, based on a person’s needs, that promotes living well with dementia in our local communities; and to work collaboratively with our partners to achieve this in an equitable way.