Our mission is empowering people with M.E. to fulfil their potential and secure the care and support they need, while working towards a greater understanding of the illness and ultimately a cure.
Vincent House, North Parade, Horsham, UK, RH12 2DP
United Kingdom
Action Medical Research is dedicated to creating a future without disease and disability. Our work is not restricted to any single part of medicine. For over fifty years, we have been funding medical breakthroughs helped by the most forward thinking people in the country: our researchers, our fundraisers and our donors.
Vallis House, 57 Vallis Road, Frome, Somerset, UK, BA11 3EG
United Kingdom
Disabled people are often poor. Poor people are more likely to become disabled. This is especially true in Africa and Asia, but they don't want hand-outs. They want to be able to earn a living and support themselves. ADD is a charity, which helps them do that.
ACRE is active in promoting the interests of rural communities. It acts as the national umbrella organisation for 38 Rural Community Councils throughout England. ACRE aims to promote a healthy, vibrant and sustainable rural community sector that is well connected to policies and initiatives at national, regional, sub regional and local levels.
ActionAid is one of the UK's largest development agencies. We work in partnership with over 9 million of the world's poorest people in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Carribbean. Our mission is to eradicate poverty by overcoming the injustice and inequity that cause it.