19 Windsor Place , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH15 2AJ
United Kingdom
Welcome to the Association of Charity Independent Examiners (ACIE) is an association of people who carry out IE, providing support and information to its members, charities and other interested parties. Founded in 1999, ACIE are the only professional body whose sole focus is IE. Full Membership is the only way for people without any other accountancy qualification to undertake IE at a higher level (i.e. above £250,000 in England & Wales and Northern Ireland and the examination of accruals accounts in Scotland). The Full Membership procedure is the only route available to people wanting to have their work in Independent Examination scrutinised and validated. The ACIE provides a regular programme of seminars and conferences aimed at ensuring that Independent Examiners are up to date and conversant with Best Practice.
The Association of Disabled Professionals provides employment advice, information and peer support to disabled people. Many members also give advice on their particular employment or experience. Our other main area of activity is Parliamentary. We work to ensure that legislation affecting the lives of disabled people takes their needs and aspirations into account.
The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), is a Membership organisation of the leading medical and health research charities in the UK. Working with our members charities and partners, we aim to support the sectors effectiveness and advance medical research by developing best practice, providing information and guidance, improving public dialogue about research and science, and influencing the government.
The Association of Wheelchair Children (AWC) is a specialist national charity providing expert training and advice to wheelchair-using children and their families across the UK. We teach children useful, practical skills, empowering them with the ability to assess risk and to move safely and confidentaly about their homes and neighbourhood. We make no charges to the parents for these courses and are wholly reliant on voluntary contributions to meet our costs.
Aston-Mansfield are a locally rooted organisation that wants to see more children, young people and families in Newham and east London leading happy healthy lives, realising their potential and unlocking their ambition.
The ataxias are neurological disorders progressively affecting mobility and speech. They can lead to total physical dependancy. We fund world class medical research into causes and treatments, and provide a range of support services, that are not available elsewhere, for people with ataxia and their families.
ATD Fourth World is a human rights organisation taking a holistic approach to poverty eradication. We believe that only by working in partnership with those experiencing poverty and social exclusion can real and effective change come about in the lives of those most disadvantaged.