The British Pilgrimage Trust CIO (Charity No 1176045, founded 2014, incorporated 2017) is the leading reference point for pilgrimage in the UK. By championing a time-honoured form of access to Britain’s spiritual heritage – its churches, shrines, and cathedrals – the Trust seeks to bring awareness of that heritage, improve physical and mental health, inspire community engagement, and restore connection with nature. In this way, pilgrimage is a practice that can be of significant benefit to the general public, and to many different faith and non-faith groups in Britain.
The Regency Town House, 13 Brunswick Square, Brighton & Hove, UK, BN3 1EH
United Kingdom
Culture / Heritage
The Trust aims to promote knowledge and appreciation of the architectural and social history of the Regency period through the development of The Regency Town House and by supporting its activities.
The Caron Keating Foundation was set up by Gloria Hunniford and family. It offers financial support to professional carers, complimentary healing practioners and support groups for patients and families who are affected by cancer. It helps a number of cancer charities wuth their quest for prevention, detection and ultimate cure.
The Centre provides information, produces research and carries out policy analysis to encourage and facilitate an understanding of the complex nature of issues concerning crime. It is a membership organisation working with practitioners, policy makers, academics and students, the media and voluntary sector, offering a programme of events, publications and online resources. It works closely with criminal justice and related practioners, academics, politicians and policy makers.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation, c/o The Old Courthouse, New Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6BE
United Kingdom
We provide practical information for families and professionals about understanding and supporting children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities, whose behaviour challenges. Our Family Support Workers can offer individual support and information over the phone and by email. We also offer peer-to-peer support through our Carers’ Catch-Ups and email networks for family carers and for professionals.
Radius Works, Back Lane, Hampstead, London, UK, NW3 1HL
United Kingdom
Founded in 1979, The Charities Advisory Trust carries out research into charity trading so as to provide reliable information on the sector. Card Aid is a trading subsidiary, which produces Christmas Cards for charities; CAT also produces the Good Gifts Catalogue. Established The Green Hotel in Mysore, Southern India, which acts as a model for substainable tourism, and from which profits are given to charitable projects in India; the Hotel also hosts training courses for graduates aiming to work in international development.
Aston House, High Street, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK, HP14 3AG
United Kingdom
The Charity leads the way as the centre of excellence for improving the care offered by professionals to grieving families. The Trust provides specialised training and support for all professionals to enable them to meet the needs of grieving families.