Rare Disease UK is a multi-stakeholder campaign that provides a united voice for the rare disease community and is run by the charity Genetic Alliance UK. Our aim is to improve access to treatment, care and support for the 3.5 million people in the UK who will be affected by a rare disease at some point in their lives. We raise the profile of rare diseases in the UK, to ensure that decision-makers and the public understand how living with a rare condition affects patients and their families. No one with a rare disease should be left behind because of their condition.
The RCN Foundation is an independent charity supporting UK Nurses, Midwives and Health Care Assistance. The Foundation supports members of the nursing community in times of need with funding and further support services. The Foundation also funds individuals and organisations to improve patient care through the provision of grants for projects and activities.
The special bond between a pet and its owner is the source of love, companionship and memories to last a lifetime. You can make a real difference to animals for years to come, by helping vets save and improve the lives of millions of dogs, cats, horses, and many more beloved pets. RCVS Knowledge is a charity that supports thousands of dedicated, hard-working vets and vet nurses to give the best possible care to animals across the UK and beyond. We provide free resources, training and research so that veterinary professionals have the most up-to-date, reliable evidence to hand when they make treatment decisions that can save and improve animals’ lives.
Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing. As we get older, our social circles diminish, and we find ourselves with fewer and fewer people to turn to. Imagine realising one day that all your friends and family have gone from your life. Loneliness can be cruel, and it affects millions of people over 75 who live in social isolation. Re-engage is making life less lonely for thousands of older people every year. Older people tell us that our volunteer-led activities make them happier and more able to trust others. We do this through our tea parties, activity groups, call companions and rainbow call companions (specifically for older LGBT+ people).
We provide support for children with upper limb differences and help to spread awareness.
REACT Disaster Response provide humanitarian action for the hardest-to-reach and most vulnerable. We are a disaster and crisis response charity, operating both in the UK and overseas. Established in 2015, teams of highly trained volunteer REACT Responders have the skills and expertise to rapidly identify and meet critical needs, helping people and communities affected by sudden or unexpected events.
Read Easy recruits, trains and supports volunteers to give one-to-one tuition to adults who struggle with reading. Working through community-based volunteer groups, Read Easy offers a free, friendly, flexible approach to learning to read for any adult who either can't read at all, or who lacks confidence with reading. People work at their own pace and the reading scheme builds reading skills, confidence and self-esteem.