Chance for Childhood is an award-winning charity working in Africa to support the most vulnerable children, such as street children, disabled children, children affected by conflict and kids behind bars. Our vision is of a world where no child is forgotten! We work with and strengthen the capacity of African visionary community leaders to implement effective, locally-relevant projects. This enables us to focus on ‘hard to reach’ children, both in terms of their complex needs (e.g. street children with learning difficulties) and location (e.g. urban violent slums or remote rural areas). Together we make ideas and impact both sustainable and scalable to protect, educate and empower even more of the world’s most disadvantaged children.
The main purpose of CHANCE for Nepal is to work closely with established and trusted organisations, schools and hospitals in Nepal – to guarantee aid and support to those families in need, and to offer the opportunity of education and training opportunities.
Change Grow Live is a charity providing prevention, treatment and recovery support services across England and Scotland. If you want to change your direction, grow as a person, and live life to its full potential, we’re here to help you. We’re here for you if you need help with challenges including drugs or alcohol, trouble with housing, domestic abuse, or your mental and physical wellbeing. Our services are free and confidential.
CAF, Charities Aid Foundation, is a registered charity with a unique mission - to increase the substance of charity in the UK and overseas. To do this, CAF provides financial services designed to meet the specific needs of voluntary organisations and those who support them.
CHAT provides extra equipment, books and assessment tools (where no NHS funding available) for all Aylesbury Vale Children referred to the NHS centre, and supports the Wing Unit, a residential respite care unit for children with complex and severe disabilities, allowing parents special time with the rest of the family.