Angel Building, 407 St John Street, Angel, London, UK, EC1V 4AD
United Kingdom
CancerHelp UK is the patient information website of Cancer Research UK. We have over 6,000 pages of free web-based cancer information, covering more than 95% of cancer diagnoses in the UK and a unique searchable database of UK cancer trials. For further information, please see the website,, or telephone the above number to get in touch with the Information Nurses.
22 The Ivories, 6 Northampton Street, London, UK, N1 2HY
United Kingdom
Education / Training
Our vision is of a Southern Africa whose people have the freedom and capabilities to shape their own future. Since 1981 we have awarded over 3000 postgraduate scholarships to Southern Africa scientists, human rights lawyers, civil servants, educationalists, doctors and other professionals. Many have gone on to become leaders in government, the private sector and civil society. We also support innovative projects that widen access to education in Southern Africa.
Capability Scotland campaigns with, and provides education, employment and care services for, Disabled children and adults across Scotland. We work with disabled people, their family and carers to provide a mix of services that meet their aspirations at all stages of their lives.
Founded by Artistic Director and CEO Adrian Jackson MBE, Cardboard Citizens is an award-winning theatre company and one of the world’s leading practitioners of Forum Theatre. They have toured across hostels, day centres and prisons for more than 26 years, bringing theatre to the most marginalised in society. Through bold and immersive theatre, Cardboard Citizens break down conventional divisions between audiences and performers. The company runs a Membership programme for homeless, ex-homeless and at risk people, offering free workshops, information, advice and guidance, training and qualifications. Its Citz National Residencies reach vulnerable people across the country, exploring the barriers they are facing and identifying solutions, through fun, creative workshops and performances.
Unit 1140B The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, UK, KT22 7RD
United Kingdom
Every week in the UK at least 12 young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. Since its formation in 1995, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) has been working to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). CRY supports young people diagnosed with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions and offers bereavement support to families affected by YSCD. CRY promotes and develops heart screening programmes and funds medical research. CRY publishes and distributes medical information written by leading cardiologists for the general public. CRY funds specialist referral, screening and cardiac pathology services at leading UK hospitals.