NYOS provides outstanding orchestral, instrumental and jazz opportunities to young musicians in Scotland. The prime work of NYOS remains the operation of residental orchestral and jazz courses, tutored by professional musicians, and concert tours with International conductors and soloists for its eight orchestras.
Need to find a green funeral director or a Natural Burial Ground? - then contact the Natural Death Centre help line. Advice and support on DIY and environmentally friendly funerals is available. The Natural Death Centre runs the Association of Natural Burial Grounds and champions the natural death movement for the UK as a social entrepreneurial, education charity. It provides the only impartial funeral advice service in the UK. The Highly acclaimed Natural Death Handbook (4th edition) can be bought via its website or phoning our helpline number above.
Since 1991, Naturewatch Foundation has passionately campaigned to end animal cruelty and advance animal welfare standards in the UK and worldwide. With your support, we work hard to raise awareness about animal cruelty and poor welfare standards and equip professionals and the public with the knowledge to take positive action. We don’t receive government or corporation funding, so we rely on our supporters to continue our work. That’s why we keep our costs low, so every possible penny goes towards working to make the world a kinder place for animals.
Nerve Tumours UK provides support and information, as well as campaigns and raises awareness on behalf of over 26,500 people in the UK who have Neurofibromatosis (NF1 and NF2) and Schwannomatosis. We’re here to improve lives for people with nerve tumours, while working towards the day when these conditions will be cured.
22 Penrose Way, Four Marks, Alton, Hampshire, UK, GU34 5BG
United Kingdom
Neuroblastoma is a rare agressive childhood cancer. About 100 children are diagnosed in the UK each year. The Society works exclusively for these children in raising funds for British research into the disease, and offering information and support to families affected by neuroblastoma.
About us
We are the only collective voice for 80 organisations working together to make life better for millions of people in England with a neurological condition
Our vision
Improve the lives of people affected by neurological conditions and work towards their prevention and eradication.
Our mission
To raise awareness and understanding of neurological conditions to ensure that every person diagnosed with a neurological condition has access to high quality, joined up services and information from their first symptoms, throughout their life.