The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC) is the UK's leading specialist residential college of further education for young people with a visual impairment.
Assisting serving and retired naval people (including Royal Marines) who have served as Warrant Officers and below and have fallen on hard times. We also support the dependants of our primary beneficiaries providing assistance that covers a very wide range of need.
The Royal Theatrical Fund was founded in 1839 by Charles Dickens. It is one of the oldest theatrical charities. The fund has no restrictive covenant and is able to provide financial support to all members of the entertainment profession, and in some cases, their dependants. Each case is considered by the Board on its merit and the support is made accordingly. The fund also helps with home care, residential/nursing home top-up fees. The RTF is able to share cases with other societies.
The Seahorse Trust is an environmental, educational, research and conservation charity that has been set up as an umbrella organisation to preserve and conserve the natural world using Seahorses as the flagship species and to educate others about the natural world. As part of our commitment to the conservation of the natural world, we will undertake educational and indepth research work in the field and in captivity that will help to conserve the natural world, especially with but not exclusively seahorses and our knowledge collected will be open to those who share our values who need or want our help. This we hope will break down barriers and help to move conservation forward more quickly. We aim to work in partnership with nature and others to the betterment of the natural world as a whole.
Second Chance is an innovative social working agency whose clients are refferred to them by Schools, Social Workers and others. they come from 3 main backgrounds, they have been abused, suffer from poverty or have a learning difficulty - sometimes all three! We do not charge for our services and rely entirely on Trust Funds and individuals for our running costs. Rural and sporting activities feature ehavily in our curriculum and we have our own Fishing, camping and farming facilities. We return non attendees into full time education, we prepare school leavers for the work environment and restore dysfunctional families.
National charity which fund raises to provide communication aids to people of all ages who are either non-verbal, have mobiity issues or severe learning difficulties.