Thrive is the leading charity in the UK that uses gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people who are living with disabilities or ill health, or are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable. This process is known as social and therapeutic horticulture (STH) and uses plants and gardens to improve someone’s physical and mental health, as well as strengthen communication skills. Using gardening as a safe and secure way to develop someone’s ability to mix socially and make friends and to learn practical skills to help them be more independent, is now a proven therapy. Using gardening tasks and the garden itself, Thrive horticultural therapists build a set of activities for each gardener to improve their particular health needs and work on certain goals they want to achieve, including gaining qualifications in horticulture. Thrive works with academic research specialists, its own horticultural therapy professionals and other practitioners to build an evidence base which demonstrates and substantiates the gardening benefits people. With nearly 40 years' experience as the leading UK charity that uses gardening to help those whose lives are touched by disability, Thrive are experts at helping individuals and organisations to use social and therapeutic horticulture to help others. Our Training, Education and Consultancy team offer a range of services including one and two day courses, accredited courses in conjunction with Coventry University, bespoke training and consultancy services.
Tiyeni enables Malawian farmers to achieve food security by increasing land productivity, addressing the adverse impacts of climate change and increasing sustainability. Tiyeni trains farmers in soil management methods that address problems of flooding, soil erosion, land degradation and loss of soil fertility.
TLC Children’s Trust provides for 56 children at the Home of Peace Children’s Home in Kenya. The Home of Peace Children’s Home is registered with the Kenyan Government and subject to regular inspections by the Dept. of Children’s Services. The children are placed with us by the Children’s Court who also review their committal on a regular basis. The home is monitored on a daily basis by TLC and we check all financial records to ensure funds are used wisely and correctly Without our support, these children would be left to live on the streets and many would no doubt die. We provide them with accommodation, food, education, clothing, medical care and the attention of our staff who have a real desire to do their best for these children.